Home Visits

Doctor's bag

Whilst we encourage our patients to come to the surgery, where we have the proper equipment and facilities available, we do appreciate this is not always possible. In this respect, if you do need a home visit, you can help us by calling reception before 10:00, be prepared to give staff some idea of your symptoms to help us plan our visits.

Please do not ask for a doctor to call unless the patient is really too ill or infirm to come to the surgery.  Remember that the doctor can see four patients in the time it takes to make one visit and there are better facilities for examination and treatment in the surgery. 

If the patient has a temperature or a rash, coming to the surgery will do no harm – if there is the possibility that the patient has an infectious illness the receptionist can arrange for a safe waiting area.  Please notify the reception staff immediately upon arrival.

The doctor may ring you if it seems that an alternative to a visit might be appropriate.

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